CONSTRUCTION - MAX COVERAGE ASD (ANATOMICAL SHIELD DESIGN)+ 2-PIECE CONSTRUCTION: Our 2-piece construction is engineered to offermaximum-level protection and comfort to makesure you’re ready to take on the worse of impactswithout sacrificing mobility.
FOREARM - ADJUSTABLE ADPTFIT GUARD FITTED WITH D3O ZERO+ SUBLIMATED LINER: Pro-level injection molded forearm guard givesyou maximum coverage and durable protection.The ADPTFIT Guard design allows you to adapt your coverage along the forearm according to yourplaying style. Comfortable EVA foam liners offerbetter breathability and comfort.
ELBOW CAP - ANATOMICAL JDP CAP + D3O ZERO COMFORT DONUT: Pro-level cap and newly repositioned D3O Zeroto better help support the elbow and helpdistribute impact energy away from the joints.
BICEP - FLEXMOTION DUAL LAYERED BICEP+ AIR CHANNELS: Our FLEXMOTION dual layered bicep is thereto keep your elbow in place and increase yourrange of motion. Breathability is also key,so we added air channels to increaseairflow during play
ATTACHMENT - ADPTFIT GUARD + STRAPS WITH TRIPLE PULL MIDDLELOCK STRAP + 360 WRAPAROUND FOREARM STRAP: Fully adjustable coverage with our ADPTFIT guardand the 360° wraparound strap makes sureyour elbow stays in place.